Ovidiu Avram is a name of resonance in the elitist circles of Romanian intellectuals and art connoisseurs… A distinctly personal universe has been brought to life, with its fluid and permeable frontiers between the real and the imaginary, a universe populated by ambiguous, familiar and yet enigmatic "characters", who constitute a heterogeneous mythology pregnant with the artist's individuality… The painter is fascinated by sumptuous materiality, he courts matter and seduces it through a laborious travail that reaches a remarkable level of loyalty in the optical-tactile representation of the prodigiously colored epidermis, as well as detailed with the obstinacy exemplifying the draughtsmanship of a miniaturist, but the poetic aspiration towards higher realms of symbolism's existence is admirably served by directing luminosity as a savant, the elaboration of which reveals the artist's veiled confession about a secret vocation of his: that of a magician.
Dr. Livia Drăgoi. Director of The Museum of Art, Bánffy Palace. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
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Dr. Petrescu, Liviu. Professor of Comparative Literature and Vice President at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. Director of the Sextil Pușcariu Institute of Linguistics and Literary History in Cluj-Napoca. Critic, Literary Historian and Essayist. "Ultimul Gnostic". Review of Ovidiu Avram's work. Available to download as a PDF Document. 1994.
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